Opening Application for Grants through the Going Global Partnerships Program

Grants and Scholarships

 The Graduate Studies and Research Sector at Tanta University announces opening application for grants through the going Global Partnerships program, including the Exploratory Partnerships Grants in TNE, which is an opportunity for UK universities to obtain a grant to develop the TNE partnership with Egyptian universities. The Fund will give priority to partnerships that focus on one or more of the following priority topics from the British Council’s TNE strategy.

- Create an enabling environment for TNE in other countries and enhance the quality of TNE.

- Contribute to removing barriers to TNE and support or create new opportunities.

- Support TNE to contribute to transforming local education systems and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Applicants must submit a completed application form and supporting documents via email to:

The deadline for applications is 12 September 2023

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For more details about this opportunity please visit:


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