The Opening of Applications for Mohamed Rabie Nasser Award in its Seventh Edition for the year (2024)

The Scientific Committee of the Mohamed Rabie Nasser Award announces the opening of applications for the award for the year 2024 (the seventh round)

The award is presented by Dr. Mohamed Rabie Nasser, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Delta University for Science and Technology in the field of scientific research, in support and encouragement from His Excellency to distinguished researchers in appreciation of their role in serving science and society and their contribution to achieving the strategic plan for sustainable development, Egypt's Vision 2030

Second: Mohamed Rabie Nasser Award in the field of engineering and technological sciences, the value of the award is 100,000 one hundred thousand Egyptian pounds and a certificate of appreciation.

Third: Mohamed Rabie Nasser Award in the field of water, energy and food security sciences, the value of the award: 150,000 one hundred and fifty thousand Egyptian pounds and a certificate of appreciation.

General conditions for nomination
⁃ The award is dedicated to citizens of the Arab Republic of Egypt working in Egyptian governmental, private or civil higher education institutions or one of the research centers or experts and workers in various state agencies and bodies. Researchers from outside Egypt may also apply.

⁃ The applicant must have a distinguished applied scientific production in the service of society and published in indexed international scientific journals or patents with distinctive applications that contribute to supporting presidential initiatives to care for human health, engineering and technological sciences and provide systems and strategies that contribute to the development of the water, energy and food sectors to contribute to achieving environmental sustainability and food security and provide applied studies that contribute to increasing economic growth to achieve development plans and economic renaissance and solve national problems in the Arab Republic of Egypt.

⁃ The applicant must not have been awarded another award or scientific degree for the same scientific production from any donor during the last five years prior to the announcement of the award.

⁃ It is not permissible to apply for two of the announced awards and it is not permissible to apply for those who have previously won the award in previous sessions.

This is by 1/9/2024.

Award Guide and Documents
- Guide to Mohamed Rabie Nasser Award in the field of engineering and technological sciences.

- Application Documents

- Guide to Mohamed Rabie Nasser Award in the field of water, energy and food security sciences.

- Application Documents

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