Report on Huawei Competition that Took Place at the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University

Under the patronage and support of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, organized today, Sunday, October 30, 2022, Huawei Academy competition, in the Great Conference Hall of the Faculty, representatives of the faculty are: Dr. Abeer Tawakul, Associate Professor of Electronics and Communications Engineering and Director of Huawei Academy, and Dr. Mahmoud Saafan, Associate Professor Of Electronics and Communications Engineering, while Engineer Amr Zayed, CEO of the Huawei Academy, Engineer Nazly, responsible for Program Development and Engineer Asmaa Siraj, Executive Director of Training at the Academy represented the Academy. The hall witnessed the attendance of a very large number of students.

The competition’s activities began with the speech of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, through which he affirmed that he strongly supports his students and that he is always working to achieve what he aspires to in terms of upgrading and raising the level of students and graduates of the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, in line with the needs of the local and regional external labor market in addition international.
Then, Dr. Abeer Tawakkol mentioned that she adopts and implements a work strategy through her responsibility as director of the Hawaii Academy at the faculty, other than what was followed in the past regarding the training of students, so there is no place and no time to follow the method of flying in abstractions that rely only on wishful thinking and that are characterized by theoretical speech that is hoped to be implemented far from reality, now what is being implemented on the ground and in the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, the direction of training students of the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, is done with the strongest academies, international institutions and the strongest training programs according to the needs of the global labor market, what we hope for our students and in a manner that befits the name of the Faculty of Engineering.

Engineer Amr Zayed, CEO of the Huawei Academy, gave a simplified idea about Huawei company, the training programs that are conducted through it, the Academy's website, how to apply for training there, and the mechanisms for passing the Academy's competitions.
Today's activities ended with the distribution of certificates of appreciation to the trainees who passed the training programs of the Huawei Academy, which they were trained on in the Faculty of Engineering.

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