A Visit to the Laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering, Mansoura University, and the Specific Programs Building by Dr. Otilija Miseckaite, Professor of the Faculty of Engineering, Vitatus Magnus University, Lithuania

Due to the presence of a group of accredited faculty laboratories, which is the result of the effort of the rational administration headed by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdel Azim, and the continuous attention and care to rehabilitate the rest of the laboratories to raise their level for accreditation.
Dr. Otilija Miseckaite, Department of Water Recourses - Faculty of Engineering, Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy - Lithuania (EU) was keen on her short visit to Mansoura University in general and to the Faculty of Engineering in particular, to visit the faculty laboratories on Wednesday 22/6/2022.

The amount of successful practical applications carried out by a student in engineering labs helps them become more confident about their knowledge and skills. This is with the aim of maximizing the scientific benefit from the visit and supporting it with our applied laboratory expertise in the field of water installations, sustainable water, water resource management and various other engineering fields such as road engineering, airports, concrete and others. The visit was headed by Prof. Sherif Masoud Al-Badawi, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs, and Director of the Roads and Airports Engineering Laboratory at the Faculty.

Dr Otilija expressed her great pride in the laboratories as working in the lab is the first hands-on experience that an engineering student gets in his or her career.

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