Faculty Council No. (567)

The Faculty Council No. (567) was held on Monday, April 18, 2022 at exactly ten o’clock in the morning in Prof. Dr. / Al-Saeed Ashour hall, with the application of precautionary reserves, the council was chaired by Prof. Dr. / Mohamed Abdel-Azim, Dean of the Faculty, in the presence of the vice deans, heads of departments, directors of specific programs and representatives of some external community entities.

The session was opened by Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty, where His excellency

⁃ began the meeting by offering words of welcome to all attendees.

⁃ offered words of condolences for the death the father of Prof. Dr./Tawakkol Enab, the father of Associate Prof. Dr./Mahmoud Saafan, the father of Mr. /Mohamed Ali Zaki.

⁃ congratulated Prof. Dr. Tawakkol Anab for being promoted to a professorship in the Department of Production Engineering and Mechanical Design.

⁃ spoke about the honoring ceremony that took place at the faculty for the ideal mother, which included honoring (7) mothers.

⁃ praised honoring Prof. Dr. Mervat Abu al-Khair by the university administration as ideal mother.

⁃ praised the participation and victory of faculty teams in a number of competitions:
⁃ (Breaking in ) team won first place in the leaders league competition, third place in smart cities hackathons competition, and fourth place for Mansoura motorsport team in the “Electric Car Rally” competition.

⁃ briefed the attendees on the importance of “The Energy Management System” training course which took place at the faculty over three consecutive days from 29 to 31 March,2022, in cooperation with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

⁃ spoke about the Scientific Research Day that was held in the college on March 29, 2022.

⁃ presented statistics carried out by him on the evaluation of the scientific departments assessing both the educational and research process.

⁃ congratulated the Department of Civil Engineering (CIV) for its accreditation from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education.

⁃ spoke about the renewal of the faculty’s accreditation, in detail.

⁃ commended the visit of the Egyptian Research Reactor Nuclear Complex in Inshas which is affiliated to the Atomic Energy Authority. The visit was carried out by a number of faculty members in the Department of Production Engineering and Mechanical Design.

⁃ noted what was done regarding the gift of the month of Ramadan, which was presented to all members of the administrative body and support system.

⁃ formed a committee to determine the criteria for releasing the names of faculty symbols on some stands.

⁃ spoke about the revolution of new projects, which took place till 17/4/2022.

⁃ spoke about the PV project, according to which solar cells are used to generate energy, and in which the Egyptian state contributes to its cost expenditures.

⁃ commended the proposal of manufacturing a solar-powered golf car in the faculty, he also welcomed the offer of the Environmental Affairs Agency to build a station in the vicinity of the faculty at the expense of the Agency, in order to measure pollution because it has a beneficial effect on community service, especially within the university, and to benefit from that in the field of Research, master's and doctoral theses.

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