Information Technology Institute (ITI) Free Graduate Scholarship includes Furniture Design Course and Architectural Visualization Course

New challenges from the iti who is ready? 💪

The first challenge is the Furniture Design & Visualization course.

The second challenge is the Architectural Visualization course.

Challenges within the intensive training program (3 months).

The rules:

1- Be a university graduate from 2012 to 2021.

2- The duration of the study is about 4 months. It is an intensive daily study. It is necessary to complete a full-time study, which means forget your friends and your outgoings.

3- The architectural visualization course is available only for graduates of colleges (Engineering - Fine Arts (Architecture or Interior Design (Decor)) - Applied Arts (Architecture or Interior Design (Decoration)) - Urban Planning)

4- The furniture design course is available to graduates of all Egyptian colleges, provided that they have a technical background in architectural design, interior design, furniture industry or 3D modeling.

5- In order to graduate, you must finish your graduation project and obtain a certificate in your field of specialization.

6- You also have to do a freelancing job for a real client in order to graduate from the scholarship.

When the challenge is successfully completed:

The Architectural Visualization course allows you to work in the following positions:

Architecture visualizer

Architecture Exterior designer

Architecture Interior designer

The Furniture Design course allows you to work in the following positions:

Furniture Designer

Furniture Visualizer

Required documents and registration stages are indicated on the registration website.

- The system for attending training courses is a blended learning system (part at the institute’s headquarters in the Smart Village and part online).

Registration is open and continues until Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Registration is done through the official website of the Institute of Information Technology

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