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Admission & Transfer Polices

First: Conditions of enrollment and requirements for joining the program

The student submits the necessary documents to join the college through the University Admission Coordination Office. A student registers for a bachelor’s degree in this program if he/she holds a high school diploma or its equivalent in mathematics, in accordance with Article 75 of the Universities Organizing Law, and fulfills the conditions set by the Supreme Council of Universities. The conditions of the coordination office with regard to distribution or transfers may not be exceeded.

Second: The system for transferring students to and from the program

A student enrolled in the credit-hour system may be transferred to the two-semester system, as long as he does not pass 60% of the total credit hours required for graduation. A set-off is made for the courses that the student has completed in the credit-hour system, and the equivalent courses are determined in the academic program to which he is to be transferred. Students of the suspended two-semester system, to exhaust the failure times in the preparatory year or subsequent years, may not be transferred to the credit-hour study system. After the approval of the academic council of the program and the Council of Mansoura University, students may be transferred to and from the program with the approved engineering colleges, provided that a clearing is made between the courses that the student has studied and the courses he should study and succeed in.

Third: Conditions for transfer (change of study program) and re-enrollment

Transferred students who wish to enroll in one of the accredited program majors must have completed general-level courses (level 000) with a GPA of no less than 2.0 (maximum score 4.0). Students who have previously spent a year in a similar program (outside/inside) the Faculty of Engineering - Mansoura University and wish to enroll in the program must submit a status statement from the college they were enrolled in stating the grades they obtained and whether they obtained credit hours or not.International students who have obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent may be accepted in each academic year in the order of their grades in accordance with the nominations received by the college from the General Administration of Expatriates. The College Council shall propose a consideration for the cost of educational services other than the university fees prescribed for these students.Students who have previously left the program for a period of up to one semester or more and have previously obtained high grades in the period they spent may re-register in the program if they wish to do so, after the approval of the competent academic council and in accordance with the rules of regularity of study (Article (4).

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  • dummyengfac@mans.edu.eg

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