An Invitation to attend The 11th International Scientific Conference on Green Chemical Engineering


The Arab Organization for Administrative Development, affiliated with the League of Arab States, announces launching the eleventh international scientific conference for green chemical engineering on “The Impact of Energy Transformations on Environmental Protection in Light of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals,” a two day conference, organized from the 1st to the 3rd of next July in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

The conference represents a scientific and professional platform for exchanging knowledge and exploring research and technical challenges in the fields of energy, water and the green environment in light of achieving sustainable development goals, with the participation of an elite group of experts from research, scientific and industrial entities in the fields of chemical engineering, energy, environment and sustainable development.

In this regard, the conference aims to highlight the latest transformations in the fields of chemical engineering, energy, water, environmental protection and development, in order to enhance scientific understanding and professional exchange on the technical contexts and economic strategies that contribute to achieving sustainable development.

The conference also aims to analyze and discuss the latest technologies, applications, and engineering and scientific developments regarding modern technologies and promising development areas, and to keep pace with scientific developments in various disciplines, with the aim of expanding scientific understanding of the current transformations in these fields and encouraging sustainable scientific research, in addition to exchanging experiences, exploring partnership opportunities, and enhancing interaction among different research, scientific and industrial sectors to develop effective and sustainable solutions.

The conference also addresses enhancing economic sustainability by highlighting projects in chemical engineering, sustainable energy, clean water and environmental technology, as well as enhancing opportunities for economic exchange and attracting investments in sustainable development projects, in addition to building environmental and engineering awareness about the importance of preserving the environment and water sources.

For registration and more information:

contact information
General Coordinator - Hassan Diab

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Executive Secretary phone - 01066689457

Secretary extension number - 329

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