10th DII-2024 Conference


Submission Guidelines

All papers must be submitted electronically in either MsWord or LaTeX format, accompanied by an identical Acrobat PDF file adhering to the Taylor & Francis template provided.
The deadline for the submission of full papers is 20 March 2024.
The maximum number of pages allowed per full paper is 9 pages for regular contributions.
Submission Link for Full Papers: Online Submission System

Email Address for Correspondence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Conference Title: Smart and Resilient Infrastructure for Emerging Economies: Perspectives on Building Better (DII 2024)

Date: 24-26 July 2024

Location: Avani Victoria Falls Resort, Livingstone, Zambia

For Additional Information, Please Visit the Conference Website: https://diiconference.org/

Please ensure adherence to the submission guidelines and reach out to the provided email address for any further queries. We look forward to your valuable contributions to the conference.

Warm regards

Research Assistant: Centre for Applied Research + Innovation in the Built Environment (CARINBE)
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
Tel +27 11 559 6417


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Prof Innocent Musonda
Chairman, DII-2024 Scientific Committee
Professor of Sustainable Built Infrastructure and Digitalisation
Centre for Applied Research and Innovation in the Built Environment (CARINBE)
Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment
University of Johannesburg
Coordinator: MPhil Digital Built Environment

for more information :

10th DII-2024 Conference CALL FOR FULL PAPERS_3


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  • dummyengfac@mans.edu.eg

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