A Report on Event The Way To Distribution

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Azim, Dean of the Faculty, the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sahar Sedky, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, coordination of Dr. Mohamed Sabry Saraya, Advisor to the Dean of the Faculty for Student Activities, participation of the Starks team with Mn Agl Misr Family and the Faculty Student Union, where Event The Way To Distribution was held on Saturday, December 10th, at exactly one o'clock in the afternoon, in Prof. Magdy Abu Rayan Hall, which was attended by Eduneers Company, represented by eng. Mohamed El Faramawy, eng. Mohamed Mustafa and eng. Ahmed Maher. A free training program was explained to a large number of students of the Department of Electrical Engineering, in contracting and electrical designs to develop their skills in accordance with the requirements of the external labor market and work to bridge the gap between academic study and practical application.

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