Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Azim, Dean of the Faculty Sends his Warm Wishes on the Auspicious Occasion of Eid Ul-Adha

 Dear all; professors, staff members, family of the Faculty of Engineering.
I wish you a joyful Eid Ul-Adha and hope you get the most of it. May Allah continue to bless you. I wish that you enjoy success in all the endeavors and you are blessed with the guidance and protection of Allah.
As you recite prayers on Eid Ul- Adha, may Allah bless you all and your wishes come true. May you are always blessed with happiness, success and harmony in your family and life.
Allah Almighty has made you an asset for your country, elevation for your country and builders for a bright future for your faculty.

Eid Ul- Adha Mubarak.

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