Under the auspice of mister Prof. Dr/Mohammed Alkenawy ,mister Prof.Dr/Zaki Zidan th dean of the faculty and the leadership of mister Maher Abdalrazak the vice dean for the community service affairs and environmental development ,mistress Prof.Dr/Lamis Algizawy , the head of architecture engineering department , today the

The introductory lecture event " the city's conversation ,the places speak…let's listen "
Has been held .
This according to the workshop that is held by architecture engineering department at the faculty from 21to25 Feb 2016 with cooperating with the cultural " robort bosh" organization that follows "Hawata" institute to the German embassy at Cairo and with cooperation with the initiation of save Mansoura heritage .
The management of the lecture and the workshop was by Prof.Stevany kerles the professor of natural landscape and location arrangement in Germany.
The axes of the symposium were various as they introduced the soundscape , the steps of producing audio map to the urban places in addition to a hint a bout the history of the audio maps and also it hade exposed some experiments of previous projects .
About the aims of the lecture they are:
- making an audio map to the heritage places in mansoura through some mp3 audio files that give the visitor the ability to load it from the internet and listen to the history of these places during touring in it through his mobile and a hand free accompanied with digital map to the location of the buildings of audio files as it makes them able to listen to the tales of these buildings by its own inhabitants to know about the tales and secrets of these ancient wallsthat had great history .
The symposium was crowded by students specially students at architecture engineering department in addition to the researchers and the scholars as the attendants were interactive with the lecturer and this was shown by their questions as she praised the intelligent questions of them.
The lecture was honored by the attendance of some of the teaching staff members and among them was : Prof.Dr/Ahmed Alnmr , Prof. Dr/Zaki Zidan , Prof.Dr/ Maher Abdalrazak , P.A.Dr/ Shreif Sheta and Dr/Mona Alwazeer and others .
The preparing for the lecture was by Heleta Ory the representative of the cultural organization 'robort bosh " at the Nile delta , Eng/Mohanad Fouda , the assistant professor at the department and the general coordinator of "save Almansoura" initiation and miss/Mona Alhadary the training administrator at the faculty .

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