Dr. Mahmoud Shouman teamed up with Arizona State University fuel cell and battery research expert

Through the Spring 2024 Postdoctoral Exchange Program by the USAID-funded Center of Excellence for Energy, Mansoura University Assistant Professor Dr. Mahmoud Shouman teamed up with Arizona State University fuel cell and battery research expert, Dr. A. M. Kannan, to conduct cutting-edge research on electric vehicle batteries.
The Egyptian researcher and his mentor collaborated in ASU's labs on managing electric vehicle battery thermal behavior using phase change materials. This stabilization reduces battery degradation, enhancing their health and longevity.
Dr. Shouman highlighted the benefits of his postdoctoral exchange at ASU, emphasizing the impact of international research collaborations, particularly in gaining expertise that is essential for advancing electric vehicle technology in Egypt where such initiatives are still in their early stages.
Learn more about the COE/E Postdoctoral Exchange and the renewable energy research being conducted through the program: https://buff.ly/46aG9Vy

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المنصورة شارع الجمهورية – الحرم الجامعي البوابة الرئيسية لشارع البحر

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

  • dummy 2202251 (050)

  • dummyengfac@mans.edu.eg

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