Scholarships Offered by the Information Technology Institute in Cooperation with Pluralsight E-learning Platform

The Information Technology Institute (ITI) offers our committed youth another significant chance to enhance their skills and boost their careers. In cooperation with Pluralsight e-learning platform we provide limited scholarships to ITITechLEAP ” وثبات” program. ITITechLEAP offers advanced ICT skills to cover the trending job profiles including (Android application developer, Cloud Architect, Data Analyst, DevOps Engineer, IT System Admin, Java Spring Developer, Mean stack developer, Software and Quality Assurance specialist, UI/UX (front-end) developer) The proposed tracks are totally provided online using project-based mechanism which enriches trainees’ solid understanding of programs topics and enables them to execute real projects. We will mentor the trainees, encourage them to complete courses on time to be certified by IT and Pluralsight. 

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ITI e-Brochure 2021

بيانات الاتصال

المنصورة شارع الجمهورية – الحرم الجامعي البوابة الرئيسية لشارع البحر

  • dummy 2202248- 2202245 (050)

  • dummy 2202251 (050)


عدد الزيارات
عدد الزيارات
زيارات اليوم الواحد

خريطة الوصول